Aestheticians hating tallow what!?

Aestheticians hating tallow what!?

What’s going on people! Welcome back to another rant by Grassland Beauty, no really since this topic is hot right now, we thought we'd drop in our rational logical two cents because that's what we love to do in our blogs. So buckle in for a bumpy and smooth ride. 


Why are so many aestheticians and derms hating on tallow? Let’s unpack it, and if you couldn't tell by my Instagram stories, I'm on one this week!

In all seriousness is tallow really as bad as they say it is?


Lately I've seen a ton of videos on social media of aestheticians, dermatologists, cosmetic chemists, skincare gurus, and influencers really putting down tallow and writing it off as if it has ZERO benefits, and that it's disgusting and will actually harm your skin barrier. The only ones seemingly praising it are in the all-natural crunchy, holistic healing, organic realm which is really too bad because not all of us who love tallow are in that demographic. Some of us fall in the middle and still love tallow.

But is any of that true? Why is tallow getting a ton of heat from the "educated/qualified" relevant experts? 

Tallow has increased in popularity monumentally in the last year alone. The number of new businesses selling tallow alone has skyrocketed from 2021, I'd say its quadrupled. Its recognition is all over the world at this point and its being praised as a skin savior and healer by the businesses selling it. That is likely the reason why aestheticians everywhere are finally discussing it on their socials. Due to its rising popularity, they are finally addressing it.


So why are 99% of them refuting tallow and its benefits? Here are some of what they are saying verbatum pulled from their social medias.

"The benefits don't outweigh the risks"

"It can go rancid quickly"

"Its literally the grease that sits at the bottom of your cooking pan"

"People are having reactions to this right now"

"you're taking a risk of infection"

"Tallow stinks like a fresh roast"

To me these all look like opinions not facts.

Just because an individual is educated doesn't mean they are always right about everything. A dermatologist works with individuals who have problems with their skin. Whether acne or rosacea, or eczema, or psoriasis or dermatitis. They are working with people who have  terrible skin issues. They went to school for a long time to understand the dermis and how it works and how to treat specific conditions. Which is amazing, thank God for Derms! Something to be proud of for sure, and something that truly helps people with their skin problems.


Derms are definitely to be respected and considered in all that they say but....a big BUT here-they are speaking from their training and education not on the anecdotal evidence that is presented with the hundreds of thousands of people who love tallow. Same with aestheticians. The majority of people they're hearing from are their customers- who likely have skin issues that won't be able to tolerate tallow. For the sake of today's blog we are going to lump them all in one group from aestheticians to derms to skincare influencers. We'll refer to them as "the group" from time to time.

Remember we are all about nuance here, and science is all about nuance also. Therefore, tallow being used as skincare absolutely requires nuance also, which seems to be omitted by the relevant experts. Someone who lives by the "science/evidence" should recognize that there is nuance and just because its mainly anecdotal doesn't mean it doesn't hold some value. The studies just aren't there on tallow and skincare yet.

To them there are far more superior ingredients that can address skin concerns. Which sure can be true for those with more severe issues. But we're not talking about tallow fixing bad skin or treating conditions. Though some would argue it has the ability to do that. We are talking about it as being another alternative to:

1. reducing waste by using a byproduct of the cattle industry.

2. Helping individuals with extremely dry skin who perhaps don't want to use a product with a ton of ingredients.

3. Those who don't want to use storebought cosmetics. Or who want to make their own skincare at home. (derms/aestheticians aren't a fan of this, but when done properly can be great).

The issue here is there is a message coming across from those "experts" In the skincare industry, and that's "don't use beef tallow, it will ruin your skin, there's a risk to using it, its gross, its stinks, and it's the fat off your steak."


From what we've seen most of the relevant experts in that group we mentioned won't touch tallow or even consider it. They don't understand how it's made or even from what fat on the cow, and don't recognize that it has very close similarities to shea butter in fatty acid composition.

So, they write it off and put out the message that it doesn't work and its dangerous don't use it. I think the reality is they are just grossed out by it. They think its nasty, and no one should be putting it on their face/body. 

Which is really unfortunate because they end up writing off a huge group of individuals that have seen first hand results from using tallow in their lives. Causing more division and distrust in their expertise. I am one of them. It's hard as a small business to not think that they are just trying to sway consumers from using a more natural product or less appealing ingredient. What sounds better, green tea extract or beef fat? See what we mean.

NOW that's not to say we don't look to them for their expertise and opinions, our personal stance is that they're important to the skincare industry and what they say matters greatly in regards to skin treatments and skin diseases and issues. We trust them for our more severe skin problems which require more aggressive treatments.

So, let's get that straight we aren't saying to never trust Professionals, their opinions or advice. It's never the goal to cause more division in the skincare industry especially between natural businesses, smaller indie brands, and modern/mainstream/larger ones. That does no good, both are an important part of the industry, but unfortunately its always including this "us against them" mentality. It's sad that both sides can't recognize that we are both serving a common cause which is to help consumers have healthy skin.



One thing that group of professionals is absolutely correct about is that tallow will aggravate acne and make it much worse. This is one issue I agree with them on. We are talking about true acne not regular acne or hormonal acne, but those who suffer with it all their lives. Thats because tallow is heavy, it's an occlusive ingredient that will clog your pores. Those with normal to dry skin can reap the benefits of tallow which include intense hydration, and nourishment. 

The conclusion is that tallow is a wonderful, fabulous ingredient that works beautifully for the right skin type, it's not always true that it stinks, will damage your skin, is disgusting or will cause any infection. Those things can be said about literally any ingredient that we use in skincare. Any ingredient is liable to damage someone's skin or cause irritation. Tallow is just another ingredient that would otherwise be wasted.

We don't deem it as an amazing healer that will fix all your problems, rather another great ingredient that can work so good for the right person. The best quality of tallow will be one that is fresh, cleaned really well with all the tissue and meat bits removed, rendered gently/slowly, is only from the kidney fat and is strained very well leaving behind no solids. Thats going to be the best quality out there.


 Signing off, stay groovy


Grassland Beauty

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